MCS provides outstanding hardware at affordable prices. We traditionally provide Lenovo computers and accessories to our customers because we feel they are the best value and quality. Rest assured, MCS can get computers and accessories from any hardware vendor (HP, Dell, and Acer).
The hardware is we offer is 1/4 – 1/3 less than retail pricing and the computers traditionally have 1 – 2.5 years of warranty left directly from the manufacturer. The remaining warranty can vary depending on age and price of the equipment. MCS passes on these amazing savings to our customers.
- Laptops / Desktops
- Monitors / Mice / Webcams
- Memory / Data Storage
- CPUs / Processors
- Power Supply Units
- Printers
- Docking Stations
Contact us to see what kind of hardware we can implement in your business with these incredible savings 919.696.8178